BBC Tiny Happy People/ Amazing Babies
During my undergrad, I worked on an animation project facilitated by Mosaic Films and commissioned by the BBC for their online service called ‘Tiny Happy People’.
The problem was that information about the development of babies can be complex and mystifying, especially to those lower on the socio-economic scale who are new to parenting. The project aimed to educate parents on the development of their newborns, advising them on what they can do to enhance their babies' development, along with making this information more accessible to everyone.

Initially, during pre-production, I worked on the visual development and look of the animation by designing characters and assets, as well as brainstorming storyboards with a team of other creatives. Later, I worked on animating elements such as the baby character and some assets in the films.
The project utilises a simple but charming illustration style combined with bright eye-catching colours to tell the story of how babies' interaction with their parents/caregivers facilitates their development. The simple style invites viewers to connect and engage with the animation seeing themselves and their child in the explainer.

Unused design sheet for the mother character 1

Unused design sheet for the mother character 2
There was a strong push to represent different kinds of parents from a variety of backgrounds in the short films. This was to build a connection with the BBC's audience who reflect the modern diversity of the UK today. With this in mind I set out to explore this in my character designs that I produced for the shorts.